Ureuëng Ngui:WhisperToMe
ACE-0, EN-N, FR-1, ES-1, ZH-1, ID-0
Ideas for new articles with Acehnese language sources:
- en:Aceh War
Ka seuleusoe
- en:Aceh Monitoring Mission
Ka seuleusoe
- en:Aceh Tsunami Museum
Ka seuleusoe
- en:Insurgency in Aceh
- en:Free Aceh Movement
Ka seuleusoe
- en:Varicella Zoster does this read like an encyclopedia article?
- en:The Black Road
- en:Jawi alphabet
- en:Spread of Islam in Indonesia
- en:Hasan di Tiro
Ka seuleusoe
- en:Daud Beureu'eh
Ka seuleusoe
- en:Mark Durie
Ka seuleusoe
- en:Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje
Ka seuleusoe
- en:Tjoet Nja' Dhien
- en:Qory Sandioriva
- An article about en:Child - A suggested image: File:Afghan Schoolchildren in Kabul.jpg
- en:Syiah Kuala University
Ka seuleusoe
- ar-Raniry State Islamic Institute - http://kyotoreview.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/issue/issue4/article_350.html
- en:Centers for Disease Control - http://www.cdc.gov/other/languages/morelanguages.html#1 - Acehnese articles
en:Hepatitis EKa seuleusoe Hepatitis E: http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/tsunamis/translations/hepeacehanese.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/65pkekPER - "Hepatitis E Information Specific to Tsunami Survivors" - Informasi teuntang peunyaket Hepatitis E keu ureung nyang seulamat dari musibah Tsunami
- en:Cholera:
Ka seuleusoe http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/tsunamis/translations/choleraacehanese.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/65pkgNzAp - Cholera - Kolera: dan pertanyaan nyang seureng ditanyong
en:Hepatatis AKa seuleusoe Hepatitis A: http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/tsunamis/translations/hepaacehanese.pdf - http://www.webcitation.org/65pkhjLE3 - Viral Hepatitis A - Informasi teuntang peunyaket Hepatitis A keu ureung nyang seulamat dari musibah Tsunami
- So Hepatitis A, Hepatitis E and Cholera are possible
- en:Swimwear
- Men's swimwear images:
- File:Jaked_on.._beso.jpg
- File:Boardshorts.jpg (the only other people in the picture are too far away to be clearly seen)
- File:Beach volleyball 2009.jpg
- Women's swimwear image: File:Burqini.jpg (this is the "Burqini")
- Men's swimwear images:
English resources about tsunami:
- http://www1.american.edu/ted/ice/tsunami-aceh.htm
- http://www.searo.who.int/en/Section23/Section1108/Section1835/Section2022_10107.htm
- http://ec.europa.eu/echo/aid/stories/asia13_en.htm
- http://www.jhsph.edu/bin/o/s/Doocy_2007-Aceh_Mortality_Estimation.pdf
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-17680793
- http://www.smh.com.au/world/love-and-sharia--people-of-banda-aceh-campaign-for-human-face-to-islamic-law-20120408-1wjmi.html