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HareutoëDrosophila ananassae female.png
English: Drosophila ananassae female
Uroë buleuën
Plate II, J.T. Patterson. Studies in the genetics of Drosophila. III. The Drosophilidae of the Southwest. University of Texas Publications, 4313:7-216, 1943.
Attribution required: Color illustration by Mrs. Sarah L. Martin. Courtesy of The University of Texas at Austin, School of Biological Sciences.
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The adult. Oriented anterior left. After Plate II Drosophila ananassae female from Patterson (1943). J.T. Patterson. Studies in the genetics of Drosophila. III. The Drosophilidae of the Southwest. University of Texas Publications, 4313:7-216, 1943. Used with kind permission from The University of Texas at Austin School of Biological Sciences. See
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